Sunday, January 1, 2012

Fresh Start

2011 is "buh-bye" and not a minute too soon!  Let's just put that one behind us, shall we?  So many changes, frustrations, disappointments, and lessons learned.  Some losses.  And blessings!  There were blessings!  But I'm so, so happy to have a fresh start. 

I don't usually make resolutions; more like reminders.  Throughout the year, we're admonished, we need to pause and remind ourselves of what is important.  "Be still, and know that I am God."  Yeah, I try.  Rest on the Sabbath -- I do that one!  So many occasions to refresh, regroup, re-do.  Every day, actually.

The 25 pounds I lost three years ago stayed off for about two years.  I'm not quite where I was in late 2008, but I want to stop the progress.  No matter what's going on in life, I know I need to get back to the healthier lifestyle.  Exercising my body, spirit, mind, is going to be priority for me.

Our eating patterns took a huge hit this year, and since yours truly handles the meals, it's on me that we slunk into less healthy eating.  Back to the board!  I'm reining in on the fat, salt, sugar and unnecessaries.  If it's not in the house, it's less likely to get eaten, so my cupboards will be filled with healthy ingredients, not potato chips!  My freezers will hold meals and ingredients for healthy eating, too.  The inspiration for this is "What The Bible Says About Healthy Living" by Rex Russell.  When I first read this book years ago, it shocked me that I'd not known most of it.  I made immediate changes, and saw immediate change.  We've slipped.

But most importantly, I'm taking the first month of the year to get back in the habit of spending time in the Word -- regular daily time, not the five minutes before I fall asleep after a busy day.  I'm going to try the "21-Day Plan for Busy Women" reading plan on YouVersion, to start out my year's journey.

I'd love to hear your plans for the new year.  Share your comments, and we'll help each other out.

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