Sunday, January 22, 2012

21-Day Bible Reading Plan -- Done!

I embarked this year on a journey to spend more time in the Word, and turned to the 21-Day Plan for Busy Women: A Rich and Satisfying Life to kick-start my efforts.

This plan was easy to do, because I received an email every morning reminding me to click and do.  I personally needed that.  The passages were interesting, and pulled from stories I'd long forgotten, or never even realized.  A different perspective.  They were short enough to hold my attention and didn't offer too much to cloud the point.  But, as far as a Bible study goes, I found it lacking.  There were only passages to read and the same list of questions at the end of each day's reading.  It would have been nice to have a more pertinent question tossed in now and then.

Still, I would recommend this for the purpose I did it.  It addresses how God used/uses women to His purpose, and provides them with a rich and satisfying life.  (But Delilah -- really?!)

As far as kick-starting my efforts this year, we'll have to see.  I've made the commitment and I need to follow through.  A daily email would sure help.  I think I'll check out the other programs at YouVersion.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Healthy Steps Portion Control Tools

Have you seen the latest tools by Healthy Steps? This line of tools will help you regain control of your eating. They're GREAT for portion control, and can help you achieve and maintain healthy eating. They've been featured on Dr. Oz and other shows.

The Jokari 229505 Serving Ladle has inside markings show you proper portions for gravy, sauce or soup. So no more, "Just a little more," to sabotage your new plan for a healthy you.  Now just $11.14, and qualifies for FREE shipping wyb $25.

The Jokari 229476 Pasta Basket folds up to fit into a drawer; it fits over the edge of your water pot, and four can fit in one pot at the same time! The markings indicate a proper pasta portion, so no more guessing. And the hole in the handle? A perfect spaghetti portion! This item is now just $12.47, and also qualifies for FREE shipping wyb $25.

And my favorite, the Jokari 229482 Dressing Lid is a great time-saver if you use dressings or condiments regularly. Replace the top of your salad dressing bottle with this. Squeeze the dressing up into the cap, then remove the top and pour, for a perfect 2 Tablespoon serving. This item is now just $9.06, and also qualifies for FREE shipping why $25.

These three together total $32.67 shipped. And you'll eat healthier when you use them. What a way to start your new year!

Friday, January 13, 2012

The Daniel Fast

Have you heard of the Daniel Fast?  This is a 21-day, plant-based partial fast, which eliminates all meat and animal products, sweets, and no wine -- just water and fruit or veg juice (water from plants).  Based on Daniel 10.

Daniel took this fast not just to keep his body cleansed (in which he took great care throughout his life), but also to focus on the really important work of God that he was doing.  His devotion to keeping himself pure helped prepare him to receive God's word to prophesy. 

This is what true fasting is about -- the spiritual work going on.  Without the distractions of food, feeding our wordly selves, we are free to concentrate on our spiritual selves.  And, some folks like to use the discomfort of fasting as a form of atonement, as much as our pitiful sacrifice could make a difference.

Over at The Daniel Fast, this statement sums it up:  "Biblical fasting was always about restricting food and always for the purpose of drawing closer to the Lord, observing spiritual laws, or seeking God in prayer."

I was reminded of this fast, which I've known about for years, actually, when I visited Jamie at Like A Bubbling Brook.   If you'd like to see this fast put to work, follow her through it.

Have you done the Daniel Fast?  How did it impact your life?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Daily Bible Reading -- 10 Days In

Sometimes it's easy to let a Bible reading program slip to the back burner.  I've done it before.  But I'm 10 days in and still daily reading the Word as part of the YouVersion "21-Day Plan for Busy Women" plan.

This Bible study/reading plan focuses on women in the Bible, and offers snippets into their lives and how God worked through and in them.  Pretty interesting.  I never thought of Delilah that way before.  Or Abigail.  (That King David, though, huh?  Wow.)

What I'm getting out of it:  A different perspective on how God uses us through daily living, to do His will, and to strengthen us.  He provides our Daily Bread, our "outs" in tough situations, and our joys.  He uses women differently than men, because of our roles in our societies through time.  Think about it; you know it's true.  Deborah, Esther, Mary, Priscilla.  Each to her own use, each according to her capability.

What I'm not getting out of it:  The intimacy of a small group Bible study.  Yes, there's the option of online community, and tools to be held accountable for my study.  Eh.  I like the personal contact, conversation and insight (not to mention coffee and cookies) of traditional studies.  But right now, this plan works for me, since I can't find a group to meet with regularly due to my fluctuating schedule.

This reading plan is helping me grow in my faith, and helping me realize there's more to trusting God than I thought.  It's about turning over our resources to do His work.  All of our resources.  It's a mindset that everything we do is for Him.  All the time, talent and treasure IS His, and we need to put those to use for Him.

I encourage all of you to find a Bible reading plan, and stick to it!  The value of just getting into God's Word is immeasurable.  If you don't have a Bible, and would like one, please Let Me Know!  I'll get you one.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Working Out a New Way

Since January 1, I've been getting a little bit of exercise each day.  Whether it's walking 2 miles with my husband around the neighborhood, or walking to the park and playing with a bunch of 11 year olds, I've felt good about the aerobic workout, and the muscle stretching.

Today I took down the outside Christmas lights.  I couldn't ignore the beautiful day -- record-setting temps in the 60s on the 5th of January!  So I went out and climbed, reached, stretched, wound, wound, wound, and bent.  I'm exhausted!  I was out there an hour and a half, moving constantly.  THAT was a workout.  And I am so, so glad that this chore didn't need to be done in 20-degrees of blowing cold this year!

When I consider every chore an opportunity to get exercise, it changes my mindset.  The drudgery is replaced by excitement.  The slowness of the task is replaced by accomplishment!  And I feel my muscles working, feel the air going in and out.  My cheeks get rosy in a good way.

Because I'm getting exercise, I'm eating less, and craving less.  I'm able to concentrate better, keep moving longer into the evening, and sleep more soundly.  I'm not sure I've lost any weight yet, though.  And it will happen.  It's only been 5 days.

The warm weather sure helps!  I like to walk, and that works for me.  Still, my new "chore workout" holds a lot of promise.

Monday, January 2, 2012

"What's That You're Eating?!"

The college bowl games are on, and the men in my house are watching a pretty good one.  In the oven are fries, to be topped with canned chili, cheese and bacon.  Bleh!  Seriously?  I did not prepare them, and I won't be eating them.

I think, after the Advent and Christmas here, something more nutritious is in order for me.  For lunch, it'll be a turkey sandwich on whole grain bread, with lettuce and grainy mustard, and the remaining half of a grapefruit I had yesterday.  Water, water, water for me today, too.

Later, dinner will be chicken breast nuggets and sliced apples for them; salad with apples for me.  They get to eat the "junk" only because they'll do it even if I say no.  Dad's in charge, you know.

Yesterday, my husband and I went for a two-mile walk.  It was windier than we expected, but we remained upright (not an easy task till we got to the bottom of the hill), and it was a good workout.  It's very cold outside right now, and when it warms to the high 30s later, I may take a short stroll, just to keep my metabolism going.

I'm making after dinner my Scripture time, when I'm calm and receptive, and no one else is usually where I am.  But the format is very thought-provoking, so I may rework my day and read in the morning, so that I can ponder throughout my activities.  The "21-Day Plan for Busy Women" is different for me in that it's topic focused, and I like it.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Fresh Start

2011 is "buh-bye" and not a minute too soon!  Let's just put that one behind us, shall we?  So many changes, frustrations, disappointments, and lessons learned.  Some losses.  And blessings!  There were blessings!  But I'm so, so happy to have a fresh start. 

I don't usually make resolutions; more like reminders.  Throughout the year, we're admonished, we need to pause and remind ourselves of what is important.  "Be still, and know that I am God."  Yeah, I try.  Rest on the Sabbath -- I do that one!  So many occasions to refresh, regroup, re-do.  Every day, actually.

The 25 pounds I lost three years ago stayed off for about two years.  I'm not quite where I was in late 2008, but I want to stop the progress.  No matter what's going on in life, I know I need to get back to the healthier lifestyle.  Exercising my body, spirit, mind, is going to be priority for me.

Our eating patterns took a huge hit this year, and since yours truly handles the meals, it's on me that we slunk into less healthy eating.  Back to the board!  I'm reining in on the fat, salt, sugar and unnecessaries.  If it's not in the house, it's less likely to get eaten, so my cupboards will be filled with healthy ingredients, not potato chips!  My freezers will hold meals and ingredients for healthy eating, too.  The inspiration for this is "What The Bible Says About Healthy Living" by Rex Russell.  When I first read this book years ago, it shocked me that I'd not known most of it.  I made immediate changes, and saw immediate change.  We've slipped.

But most importantly, I'm taking the first month of the year to get back in the habit of spending time in the Word -- regular daily time, not the five minutes before I fall asleep after a busy day.  I'm going to try the "21-Day Plan for Busy Women" reading plan on YouVersion, to start out my year's journey.

I'd love to hear your plans for the new year.  Share your comments, and we'll help each other out.