Thursday, April 26, 2012

Still At It

My journey this year continues.  It's just my blogging that hasn't.  We're fixing that right now.

After my YouVersion Bible study, I didn't find another online program that spoke to me.  I have been attending Sunday Bible study at church, but we missed a few weeks of that.  Fortunately, it's been easy to pick up and get back into the Word right away.  Matthew is a pretty interesting book.

I began walking about three times per week during our unseasonably warm spring.  I lost 5.5 lbs and felt more energetic.  Unfortunately, I didn't keep it up when the pollen hit, then some stormy weather which knocked out the pollen.  So last weekend I started again.  "I think I can, I think I can."

Being still, now there's a challenge.  These first four months have been a struggle in many ways.  An international visitor, auto issues affecting transport for all of us, and an out of town emergency have kept me very un-still on the outside.  And while "as a man thinketh, so is he," it's really tough to remain physically calm amid the rushing and doing, no matter how calm I am in spirit.  My knee, my back, my head. Aspirin, please.

We've made conscious decisions to not be that family that rushes around at the last minute, or that over schedules ourselves or our kids.  So when un-still events bubble up, it is unusual, though not impossible, for us to regroup on the fly.  We get through it, and use those teachable moments, and breathe deeply.  And I have to say that we strive diligently to avoid the surprises, but others' unsung schedule adjustments lately have really put wrenches in our cogs.

So my goal through the end of the school year is to remain still in spirit, and get through my work assignment without further incident (which shall remain unspecified).  April and May are hectic times, so there won't be any more added to the schedule that exists already (annual exams, final exams, one leaving for Europe, etc.).  By us, anyway.  And understand that is the key to calm.

Walking.  Stillness.  Readiness.  It's still a journey.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

New Portion Control Tool - Easy Peasy

Okay, it's been a loooong while since I've posted.  Mea culpa.  But I just had to share this new everyday tool to help with portion control!

Ziploc has a new bag that will allow you to easily package individual portions together inside a larger freezer bag.  Called "Perfect Portions," these versatile bags let you slip your hand inside to grasp, say, a single chicken breast, and pull it inside the bag without getting your hand yucky, or messing another utensil.  This would be great for lean burgers, chops, and big cooking days when swiftness is key.

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