Sunday, January 22, 2012

21-Day Bible Reading Plan -- Done!

I embarked this year on a journey to spend more time in the Word, and turned to the 21-Day Plan for Busy Women: A Rich and Satisfying Life to kick-start my efforts.

This plan was easy to do, because I received an email every morning reminding me to click and do.  I personally needed that.  The passages were interesting, and pulled from stories I'd long forgotten, or never even realized.  A different perspective.  They were short enough to hold my attention and didn't offer too much to cloud the point.  But, as far as a Bible study goes, I found it lacking.  There were only passages to read and the same list of questions at the end of each day's reading.  It would have been nice to have a more pertinent question tossed in now and then.

Still, I would recommend this for the purpose I did it.  It addresses how God used/uses women to His purpose, and provides them with a rich and satisfying life.  (But Delilah -- really?!)

As far as kick-starting my efforts this year, we'll have to see.  I've made the commitment and I need to follow through.  A daily email would sure help.  I think I'll check out the other programs at YouVersion.

1 comment:

  1. The daily email sounds like an excellent idea. I started a new Beth Moore Bible study recently on the book of James that has been really interesting. The bad thing is I get way behind on my homework! I'm trying to get better at that.

    Thanks for posting on my menu plan:) I'm sorry I just saw your comment!! I'm a new follower!
